
A payday cash advance is one of the quickest and easiest ways to obtain a loan. It is short term loan that is solely based on the amount of your pay.

The amount you can borrow depends on the amount of your net pay and at Simply Cash we loan up to 50% of your net pay*.

At Simply Cash our fees are only $15 per $100 borrowed.

Depending on the amount borrowed and the term of the loan, our fees range from 35% to 59% per annum.

Yes. At Simply Cash we give you up to two (2) business days to cancel your agreement. All you must do is pay back the principal or the amount borrowed and no fees will be charged.

You may visit one of our convenient locations or apply and receive your funds online. The choice is yours.

At Simply Cash we understand that it might be difficult to make the payments as previously arranged. If you ever find yourself in this situation please contact us as soon as possible at 416-291-3242 or by email info@simplycash.ca and we will do our best to help.

An installment loan is different than a Payday Loan. An installment loan is meant to allow you to borrow more over a longer period of time. In addition, the fees associated with an Installment Loan are much less than a Payday Loan.

In order to build your payment history you must first qualify for a payday loan. Over time as you repay your Payday Loan you will be building a good history with us, which will then be used to qualify you for an Installment Loan.